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Virginia Initiative for Education and Work (VIEW)

VIEW is a program of employment, education, and training opportunities to assist individuals in attaining the goal of economic independence. The Program Goals are to offer Virginians living in poverty the opportunity to:

  • Achieve economic independence by removing barriers and disincentives to work and by providing incentives to work.

  • Provide work skills necessary for self-sufficiency.

  • Allow families living in poverty to contribute materially to their own self-sufficiency.

  • Set out the responsibilities of and expectations for recipients of public assistance; and

  • Obtain work experience through the various employment, education, and training components of the VIEW program.

Recipients of TANF and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - Unemployed Parent (TANF-UP) benefits, must participate in the VIEW program as a condition of eligibility, unless otherwise exempt. The TANF-UP program is intended to provide assistance to families with two able-bodied parents.

VIEW provides and enables services such as:

Image by Campaign Creators

Job Readiness

  • Resume Building

  • Job Search Skills

Looking for a Book


  • Adult Basic Education enrollment

  • GED class enrollment

  • Help with apply for college

Couple Painters

Job Skills

  • On the Job Training

  • Assistance to enroll in training programs

  • Work Experience

Support Group

Supportive Services

allow us to help with:

•Bill payments

•Work Attire/Equipment


•And more.

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